We want to get to the cause of your symptoms, not just give you temporary relief or help you compensate for a chronic issue. Through a thorough medical intake and examination, a diagnosis and treatment plan will be determined addressing your main complaint as well as the functional breakdown occurring in your body. The driving intention of examination and treatment is to locate and treat the functional breakdown so that the cause of the problem is addressed.
In some cases, blood tests and other diagnostic markers allow us to go deeper in uncovering why you are having pain, discomfort or loss of movement. Once we have an understanding of your condition, we will make a recommendation based on one or more modalities such as acupuncture, dietary and nutritional therapy, ARP Wave Therapy, brain training/neurofeedback, and exercise.
The healthcare provider performing your initial examination is a Functional Medicine Specialist. With that training, not only will the main complaint be assessed and treated but more importantly, the underlying cause will be addressed as well. By providing support to the patient in addressing the cause of the problem, the patient is empowered to take control of their own health.
The Center’s primary goal is not only to treat sickness or disease but rather improve the quality of health and life of patients. Our focus is to emphasize education in the areas of optimal health psychology, exercise, diet and lifestyle so that patients can become empowered in their own health and wellbeing.