Acupuncture is a integrative therapy that is increasingly used as a day-to-day method of pain management. Its growing popularity has good reason! Originating in China, the practice is over 3,000 years old and is implemented worldwide to help relieve a wide variety of pain and ailments. Many individuals turn to acupuncture when “modern” treatments fail them, or when they have decided they no longer want to rely on pain relievers – especially when the safety of many medications are in question.
One clear advantage acupuncture has over other treatments is its overall lack of negative side effects, especially when compared to many drugs and other types of common medical procedures. Acupuncture has proved to be a relatively quick, painless, and efficient method of treatment for those suffering from chronic pain. Studies show that not only does acupuncture reduce pain, but it also improves function and movement – especially when paired with complementary treatments.
The Center for Integrative Care offers acupuncture to those with chronic pain as an alternative means to healing and pain management. We effectively treat and manage neck pain, back pain, headaches and migraines, joint pain, osteoarthritis and more. For more information, or to start managing your pain with acupuncture, call our team at (619) 287-4005.