Cupping is a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) modality that involves using glass, plastic, or bamboo cups over the skin. The cups create negative pressure on the tissue and musculature improving circulation of the blood, lymph, and body fluid. The effects include pain relief, decreased muscle tension, as well as calming the nervous system. Because it has such a strong ability to increase blood flow to stagnant areas of the body, cupping is highly affective for stubborn tight muscles. Cupping pulls stuck blood from tight muscles up to the surface. This allows fresh blood to circulate in the muscles, increases relaxation, and improves tissue healing. Cupping can be a stand-alone treatment, but is very affective when combined with acupuncture.
Although they look like bruises, they are not. The marks are just the stagnant blood that was stuck in the tight muscle belly that has been pulled to the surface. The marks should go away within 7-10 days. To get rid of the marks faster, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, which flushes all the toxins out of the body.
For more information or to get started today, call The Center for Integrative Care at (619) 287-4005.