P:(619) 287-4005

Breathing/Guided Imagery Therapy (Chi Kung)

Breathing/Guided Imagery Therapy (Chi Kung)

breath-thearapyBreathing/guided imagery therapy – otherwise known as Chi Kung (sometimes “Qi Gong” or “Qigong”) – is an invaluable part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. More than 60 million people in China alone practice Chi Kung every day, and for good reason! Chi Kung is one of the best therapies available for stress and stress-related ailments. It focuses on relaxation, quietude, natural balance (both physically and internally), unity of breath and the mind, and the body’s general state of health.

Chi Kung is especially good for stress management because of the three principles on which it’s built: breathing, mind, and posture. Because of its focus on these essentials, Chi Kung has immediate relaxation benefits – often felt in the first session! The gentle movement, cleansing breathing exercises, attention to posture, and guided imagery therapy ultimately leads to a calm mind and a sense of peace and balance.

The Center for Integrative Care offers select Chi Kung movements to individuals of all ages and backgrounds to help manage stress and for other health benefits. Key benefits include:

  • Reducing stress
  • Promoting a sense of wellbeing by calming the mind with deep breathing techniques
  • Improving respiration, digestion, and cardiovascular & nervous systems
  • Improving the quality of sleep and reducing fatigue
  • Improving overall health and the immune system
  • Strengthening the body both mentally and physically

For more information or to make an appointment, call (619) 287-4005.