Integrative Movement Therapy, such as Tai Chi, Chikung, etc. are examples of body-mind exercises that have been used in China – where it originated – for thousands of years. Used for both prevention as well as therapeutic purposes. Integrative movement therapy is a regimen that aims to improve the body’s:
The goal of integrative movement therapy is to improve balance, strength, mobility, and the daily functioning of the body. It also aims to prevent falls and collapses in older adults as well as individuals with balance-related disorders. We share select movements from Tai Chi and other modalties to help patients achieve optimal health to recover quickly with gentle, effective movements. Research has shown integrative movement therapy can be even more effective than standard physical therapies, especially for elderly individuals. The Center for Integrative Care offers our unique perspective of Integrative Movement Therapy, where we help balance and strengthen your body while working to succinctly improve the awareness and wellbeing of your mind.
For more information or to start now, call us today at (619) 287-4005.