P:(619) 287-4005

Lifestyle Counseling

Lifestyle Counseling

lifestyle-counseling-innerThe Center for Integrative Care offers Lifestyle Counseling for individuals who know they need to make changes in their life to get healthy, but aren’t sure what those changes are. Our goal is to enhance your health while inspiring a wholeness of the mind, body, and spirit. We help to return your body to its most balanced state through proper nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle choices. Studies show that proper diet and exercise alone can increase illness prevention by more than 50%!

Our approach does not rely on any miracle cure, but rather building up your body’s natural restorative abilities through skilled Lifestyle Counseling. By replacing unhealthy habits and giving you the support you need, your body will be able to return to its true balance and optimal state of health.

Dr. Mancini and his team at The Center for Integrative Care will guide you through the process of lifestyle change as far as you want to go. Through Lifestyle Counseling, we will provide a comprehensive healing strategy that will take your body through several phases – including detoxification, rebuilding, and maintenance. We offer our knowledge and support to make positive changes possible in your life, in order to increase your overall health, performance, and wellbeing.

For more information or to start positive changes in your life today, call (619) 287-4005.